Submit abstracts

Please read carefully the instructions before you proceed with the submission of your abstract (available at the top of this page).

 General guidelines

All abstracts should be submitted electronically through the abstract submission system.

The deadline for the submission is March 05, 2025. Abstracts received after the closing of the abstract system will not be accepted.

By submitting the abstract you agree and confirm that:

· If the abstract is accepted, it will be published in the electronic version of the Abstract Supplement.

· If the abstract is accepted, you will attend the Nephrology 2025 Conference. To confirm your attendance, you have to register for the conference by the given date. If you have not registered by that date your abstract will be removed from the conference programme and Abstract Supplement.

·  Your abstract will not be edited. You are responsible for any spelling, grammatical, and typographical errors.

This year, the EUNC does not allow abstract submissions exclusively from Institutions in the Russian Federation and/or Belarus. However collaborative research may be submitted and (if accepted) presented by co-authors from other countries.

Please note that if your abstract is included in a workshop proposal, it should NOT be submitted as a single abstract.

Type of abstracts

We welcome the submission of the following types of abstracts:

Research abstracts

Policy abstracts

Practice abstracts

Training and education abstracts

Types of presentation

You should indicate your first and second presentation preference. The following possibilities are available: 

·     Oral presentations: 35-minute sessions.

·     Posters: All posters must be submitted in advance to the conference and will be displayed during the conference. The score of the abstract will decide if you are scheduled for:

o   E-Poster presentations: 60-minute sessions with a maximum of 15 poster presentations. All posters must be submitted in advance to the conference and will be displayed at E-Poster stations in a designated area. Poster sessions are held as poster walks in the parallel programme, moderated by an expert.

o   E-Poster displays: these include a number of posters abstracts not included in the so-called poster walks. These posters are merely displayed on the poster stations during the entire conference but not presented/moderated.


You are asked to give three keywords that would best fit the content of your abstract. They are used for programme planning only.

Guidelines for authors

All abstracts must be submitted and, if accepted, must be presented in English.

All abstracts have a limit of 2000 characters, including spaces. The title, keywords, and authors’ information are not included in that limit.

Graphics or tables can also be accepted.

Abstract titles should be in lowercase, except for the first word, abbreviations, and countries. Do not use capital letters only and avoid using abbreviations or acronyms. Give geographic location and dates if applicable. All titles have a limit of 100 characters, including spaces.

Author and co-author: you can include up to 10 co-authors. Please follow the instructions carefully and make sure that first name(s) initial(s), last name, department, institution, town, and country are completed. To add an author, click on ‘add additional author’. To add an affiliation, click on ‘add additional affiliation’. Please make sure that you use the English version of the institute, town, and country. Spell out the full name of the institution and do not use abbreviations such as ‘Univ.’ for ‘University’. Please make sure that the presenting author is also listed under authors.

Presenter: A submitter is a default presenter. You may change the presenter by entering another email. Please note there is a limit of 3 abstracts per presenter.

Amendments: Changes to the abstract are possible before 2 weeks of the conference by re-entering the abstract in your profile.

Evaluation procedure

All submitted proposals will be reviewed by the International Scientific Committee (ISC). Each proposal will be reviewed by 3 to 4 reviewers and scored on the basis of the following criteria:

·        Does the abstract follow the guidelines?

·        Is the subject matter appropriate for the Conference?

·        Is the information new enough and innovative?

·        Is the overall quality of the abstract sufficient?

·        Is the methodology adequate or sufficient to support conclusions?

·        If applicable, is the design of the study appropriate?

·        Do data adequately or sufficiently offer support for conclusions?

·        Are the results adequately summarised?

·        Does the information have relevance for the rest of Europe?


You will be notified of the acceptance of your abstract(s) within 3 working days, and the result will be sent to you via mail. 

Changes in presenting author

The submitter is considered the presenting author and is responsible for delivering either the oral or poster presentation if the abstract is accepted. In case the presenting author is unable to attend the Nephrology 2025 Conference, a substitute presenter may take the presenting author’s place. The new presenter must be listed as a co-author on the abstract and must be registered for the Conference. 

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