Thanyawit Ninlaphut

Mahidol University, Bangkok


Title: Incidence and Risk Factors of Pressure Injury in Different Operation Time Cohorts Undergoing Spinal Surgery

Thanyawit Ninlaphut contributions to nursing and clinical practice have extended perianesthesia nursing with acute pain management of postoperative patients. With a career in perioperative and perianesthesia settings as a clinician and educator. He has dedicated his career to development of this model of care, including quality specific to development and implementation of a postoperative patient handoff guideline in a postoperative anesthesia care unit.

Thanyawit Ninlaphut has been the principal investigator in several interdisciplinary studies. He contribute to safety care activities for patients in needed basis; especially provide the safety special anesthesia care from peri-operative acute care until recovery. He is a certified registered anesthetist nurse in teacher coordinator, clinical director for registered nurse in training program in nurse anesthetist, anesthesiology department, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital.

Thanyawit Ninlaphut has completed a BNS from the Kuakarun Faculty Nursing, Navamindradhiraj University. (First- class honor), the post diploma certificate in nurse anesthetist, Mahidol University, and a MSN from Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

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